LSPR Libraries welcomes your suggestions for specific titles to be added to the library collection.


Suggestions may be made on:

  • Titles not already listed in our catalog
  • Titles in print or electronic format
  • Titles already published or recently released
  • Titles that fit the library materials selection policy and budget

Please complete the request form via link or scan the QR Code below if you would like to recommend or request the purchase of a new collection



  1. This “Suggest a Purchase” service is for use only by LSPR lecturers, staff, and students. Completion of the “Status” and “Department” sections on the form is required.
  2. When completing the form, please provide as much detail as possible about the resource you are recommending. Your request will be passed on to the relevant subject librarian for consideration, and you will be notified of the outcome.



Questions about the Suggest for Purchase service should be sent to email ( or hotline (0857 7481 7530)


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