Ketersediaan E-resources di Library LSPR (Buku, Jurnal dan Majalah Online)

Salah satu fasilitas untuk sivitas akademika LSPR Institute of Communication and Business adalah akses sumber referensi elektronik atau e-resources berupa buku dan jurnal elektronik. Fasilitas ini diberikan agar seluruh sivitas akademika di kampus LSPR Jakarta, LSPR TransPark, dan LSPR Renon Bali dapat melakukan proses belajar mengajar dan penelitian dengan lebih mudah dengan adanya bahan referensi dari beberapa sumber elektronik. Daftar buku dan jurnal online yang dilanggan oleh Library LSPR meliputi:

  1. E-book subjek Digital Marketing (Stukent Courseware):
  2. E-Magazine subjek Ekonomi-Bisnis (Harvard Business Review):
  3. E-journal subjek Ekonomi-Bisnis (Gale Cengage)
  4. E-journal subjek Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO Host):  

Dalam memberikan fasilitas layanan akses online ini, seluruh sivitas akademika harus mematuhi tata tertib serta aturan penggunaannya. Izin untuk melakukan akses buku dan jurnal online terbatas untuk keperluan pembelajaran, riset, & penambahan pengetahuan, dan bukan untuk tujuan lainnya (misalnya dikomersialkan, dikoleksi, didistribusi ke pihak lain).

Dalam mengakses semua buku dan jurnal online yang dilanggan oleh Library LSPR, anda akan diminta username dan password menggunakan akun institusi. Silahkan menghubungi library melalui layanan hotline Library (WA available: 0857 7481 7530) untuk mendapatkan username dan password. Seluruh Sivitas akademika dilarang memberikan materi hasil download kepada non Sivitas Akademika, dilarang memberikan username dan password kepada orang lain dan dilarang melakukan download secara SISTEMATIS. Yang dimaksud dengan download secara SISTEMATIS, adalah mendownload materi dari jurnal tertentu secara berurutan, per volume, ataupun dalam kurun waktu penerbitan tertentu.

Pelanggaran terhadap tata tertib ini dapat mengakibatkan penghapusan secara sepihak akses semua sivitas akademika terhadap buku dan jurnal online oleh penyedia jurnal online. LSPR juga akan memberikan sanksi yang tegas kepada mereka yang terbukti melanggar peraturan dan tata tertib.

Panduan akses tercantum dalam user guide library, klik di sini

One of the facilities for academics at the LSPR Institute of Communication and Business is access to electronic reference sources or e-resources in the form of books and electronic journals. This facility is provided so that all academics at the LSPR Jakarta, LSPR TransPark, and LSPR Renon Bali campuses can carry out teaching and learning and research processes more easily with reference materials from several electronic sources. The list of online books and journals subscribed to by the LSPR Library includes:

  1. E-book subject of Digital Marketing (Stukent Courseware):
  2. E-Magazine subject of Economics-Business(Harvard Business Review):
  3. E-journal subject of Economics-Business (Gale Cengage)
  4. E-journal subject Communication & Mass Media Complete (EBSCO Host):  

In providing this online access service facility, all academics must comply with the rules and regulations for its use. Permission to access online books and journals is limited to learning, research and increasing knowledge, and not for other purposes (eg commercialization, collection, distribution to other parties).

In accessing all online books and journals subscribed to by the LSPR Library, you will be asked for a username and password using your institutional account. Please contact the library via the Library hotline service (WA available: 0857 7481 7530) to get a username and password. All academic members are prohibited from giving downloaded materials to non-academic members, are prohibited from giving usernames and passwords to other people and are prohibited from downloading SYSTEMATICALLY. What is meant by SYSTEMATIC downloading is downloading material from certain journals sequentially, per volume, or within a certain publication period.

Violation of this code of conduct can result in the unilateral removal of all academics' access to online books and journals by the online journal provider. LSPR will also provide strict sanctions to those who are proven to have violated the rules and regulations.

Access guidelines are listed in the library user guide, click here




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