Hi Londoners! yang sedang mencari referensi dalam pengerjaan skripsi atau thesis biasanya pasti sering datang ke library untuk lihat hardcopy-nya secara langsung kan? Sekarang tidak perlu lagi antri menunggu daftar pinjam ke library untuk melihat hardcopy Skripsi/Thesis, karena semuanya sudah tersedia lengkap di e-library LSPR dalam versi digital dan full-text.

Hi Londoners! Now there is no need to queue up waiting for a list to borrow from the library to read theses, because everything is fully available in the LSPR e-library in digital and full-text versions.


E-library LSPR termasuk dalam Institutional Repository, yaitu suatu tempat pendataan atau gudang tulisan ilmiah dari suatu institut yang merupakan karya akademisi dari institut tersebut. Karya-karya ilmiah yang tersedia di e-library LSPR Jakarta saat ini adalah Skripsi dan Thesis tahun 2018-2021. Dijamin lengkap. Semua karya-karya ilmiah yang ada di repository tersebut berasal dari semua program studi yang ada di LSPR Jakarta baik S1 atau S2 yang memperoleh nilai akhir A dan/atau A-. 

LSPR e-library is an Institutional Repository, which is a place for data collection or a repository of scientific writings from an institute which is the work of academics from the institute. The scientific works available in the LSPR e-library are undergraduate and postgraduate theses 2018-2021. Guaranteed complete. All scientific works in the repository come from all study programs at LSPR Jakarta, both undergraduate and postgraduate students who get final grades of A and/or A-.


Selain Skripsi dan Tesis, juga ada jurnal ilmiah yang bisa jadi rujukan terpercaya dalam untuk menunjang tugas-tugas perkuliahan kalian karena mutakhir dan jelas kredibilitasnya. Berbagai jurnal juga terbuka untuk diakses publik dan dipublikasikan resmi oleh Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia dan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia. Tersedia juga Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh LSPR.

In addition to undergraduate and postgraduate theses, there are also scientific journals that can be trusted references to support your lectures because they are up-to-date and have clear credibility. These journals are open to public access and officially published by the National Library of Indonesia and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. There are also Journals published by LSPR.


Yuk, langsung kunjungi website e-library LSPR. Informasi selengkapnya tentang cara mengakses skripsi dan tesis klik di sini.

Visit the LSPR e-library website. Further information on how to access theses, click here


Subject Librarians

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Lihat Direktori Staf untuk daftar lengkap staf perpustakaan.

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See the Staff Directory for a full listing of library staff.



Consultation Request

Save time and minimize frustration by making an appointment with a librarian. We can help you

  • Find articles, books, data, primary sources, etc.
  • Design search strategies for literature reviews.
  • Use citation management tools.
  • Understand scholarly communication issues such as copyright and open access publishing.


1. Appointments are generally available Monday-Saturday from 8 am to 7 pm.

2. Please describe your research needs. The more information you share with us, the better we can prepare for the appointment. Such as:

    - Project Status (I'm just getting started / I found some information, but need to find more / I need help with EndNote)

    - Is this for a class assignment? If so, which class? 

    - Project Due Date (if applicable)

    - Attach a File , sometimes it's helpful for us to see the assignment.

3. When are you available? Tell us what dates and times that you are available to meet with the librarian.



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