Image of The Impact Between Sales Promotions And Publicity On The Brand Awareness, Purchase Decision And Customer Loyalty Of Tokopedia


The Impact Between Sales Promotions And Publicity On The Brand Awareness, Purchase Decision And Customer Loyalty Of Tokopedia

Tokopedia, one of e-commerce in Indonesia have apply various strategies to gain new customer and to keep them loyal by doing sales promotions and publicity. This study discusses the influence of sales promotions and publicity on brand awareness, purchasing decisions, and customer loyalty. In the competitive e-commerce landscape, Tokopedia faces challenges in building customer loyalty despite using various promotional tools such as sales promotions and publicity. This study employs a quantitative method. Data collection is conducted using questionnaires. Respondents were selected from Tokopedia's followers on Instagram, with the criteria of residing in Jakarta, being loyal customers, being aware of Tokopedia's sales promotions, and being aware of Tokopedia's publicity in mass media. Therefore, the population size is unknown. The sample size was determined using the Lemeshow formula. The data were processed using SMARTPLS 3.0. The research results indicate that sales promotions do not affect brand awareness, purchasing decisions, or customer loyalty. Publicity does not affect customer loyalty but does influence brand awareness, which in turn affects purchasing decisions and subsequently impacts customer loyalty. The suggestion provided by this study for building loyalty is to emphasize publicity.

Keywords: Sales Promotions, Publicity, Brand Awareness, Purchase Decision, Customer Loyalty


S202694SPS2.MCM.029.24Hanya Tersedia SoftcopyAvailable

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