Image of The Analysis Of Toxic Communication Behaviors Of Blinks In Jakarta Through Blackpink The Game


The Analysis Of Toxic Communication Behaviors Of Blinks In Jakarta Through Blackpink The Game

The need for technology in the health sector is increasing because this can lead to improvements in quality, safety and efficiency in the services provided. One of the things that can be used in proactive customer service in hospitals is to use chatbots. RSUD Daya Makassar City uses the chatbot "Vanrita" as a customer service innovation provided to the community. Through the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory and Roger's diffusion of innovation, researchers want to analyze the acceptance of "Vanrita" chatbots and explore materials for future development. Researchers use an interpretive paradigm with qualitative methods. Interviews and observations were used as primary data and secondary data was obtained from searching documents related to standard operational procedures and policies in customer service innovation. The data analysis technique uses the Miles & Huberman model which is checked for reliability through data triangulation. The research results show that if this innovation is accepted, it can be concluded that it can be adopted as an actual service support system. Vanrita chatbot meets all innovation criteria, namely relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, triability, observability. Perceptions of convenience and usefulness are factors driving use. This perception of ease is caused by knowledge, habits and experience in using it. The perception of usefulness arises due to the advantages of system automation, information accuracy, effectiveness, efficiency and increased work performance. External variables that influence use include the condition of the system used, organizational support and continuous, two-way communication.

Keyword : Inovation, Chatbot, Customer Service


S202686SPS2.PR-CC.013.24Hanya Tersedia Softcopy.Available

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