Image of Interpersonal Communication Between Doctors And Patients In The Transmission Of Information


Interpersonal Communication Between Doctors And Patients In The Transmission Of Information

"Effective communication between doctors and patients plays a crucial role in achieving accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In the context of patient-centered care, the importance of interpersonal communication between doctors and patients in delivering information becomes increasingly relevant. RSUD Teluk Kuantan, a type C hospital, plays a significant role in providing healthcare services to the community of Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi.
This study aims to analyze the interpersonal communication between doctors and patients in the delivery of medical information with the goal of gaining a better understanding of the quality and effectiveness of such communication.
A qualitative approach is employed in this study to investigate the interpersonal communication between doctors and patients in information delivery. Data is collected through interviews and documentation as data collection methods. Subsequently, data is analyzed using triangulation.
Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that interpersonal communication between doctors and patients in conveying patient complaints at RSUD Teluk Kuantan is strong in terms of openness. The success of doctors in attentively listening to patient complaints is an essential initial step in building effective communication. The findings of this research indicate that effective interpersonal communication between doctors and patients plays a crucial role in providing quality healthcare services and enhancing patient satisfaction."

Humanistic-oriented interpersonal communication, healthcare communication, oral communication, nonverbal communication


S202680SPS2.PR-CC.011.24Hanya Tersedia Softcopy.Available

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