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Analysis Of Awareness On Electric Vehicles Battery Waste Management In Shaping Well Informed Consumers
"The number of electric vehicles (EVs) in Indonesia has been increasing significantly. In the past five years alone, the growth rate has reached 1700%. This growth is supported by rising consumer interest due to advanced technology, low maintenance costs, tax subsidies, exemption from odd-even traffic rules, and environmental friendliness.
However, this increase raises concerns about a new environmental issue: the accumulation of hazardous waste (B3) from EV batteries. If not managed properly, this waste can contaminate soil, water, and the environment.
This research analyzes the importance of providing comprehensive information to consumers about the management of EV battery waste. We also aim to understand current consumer awareness regarding EV battery waste management in Indonesia. Through outreach activities, we hope to improve information transparency, thereby enhancing consumer awareness. This is expected to lead to more responsible consumer behavior, which is crucial for environmental sustainability.
The researchers integrate the Diffusion of Innovations Theory to understand how consumer awareness can drive the adoption of sustainable innovations. The researchers emphasize the importance of the Knowledge stage of this theory, as it represents the initial phase when individuals become aware of an innovation and begin to understand its impact.
The findings indicate that good consumer awareness about EV battery waste management is crucial to support the transition towards a more sustainable economy and environment. Well-informed consumers will better understand the long-term impacts of their actions and be more responsible towards environmental sustainability."
Keywords: Consumer Awareness, Electric Vehicles (EV), Battery Waste Management, Information Disclosure, Well-informed Consumer
S202664SP | S2.MCM.012.24 | Hanya Tersedia Softcopy | Available |
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Publisher | LSPR : Jakarta., 2024 |
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