Image of Finding New Model of Social Media Influencer as Marketing and Communication Campaign Channel in The Midst of Influencer Fatigue Phenomenon


Finding New Model of Social Media Influencer as Marketing and Communication Campaign Channel in The Midst of Influencer Fatigue Phenomenon

"Social Media Influencer (SMI) has been embedded in the communication media mix by many organizations around the globe, including in Indonesia. Organizations are now projected to spend more of their communication and marketing budget on SMI to meet their business objectives. On the other hand, some phenomena have been capturing signals that effectiveness of this channel is no longer how it is expected to be. A birth of de-influencer as a new genre but contradicts SMI, adoption of influencers law that regulates SMI activities including their engagement with organizations, and influencers fatigue due loss of trust of audience towards SMI caused by authenticity issues. SMI have become money oriented and audiences have felt that SMI they follow is no longer genuine, hence the weakened influence.
In the quest to regain SMI influence and to find the most effective way in riding SMI to deliver organizations' messages to their followers, this research employs Expectancy Violations Theory (EVT) and some other supporting concepts. The result of this study finds alignment with the theory that to meet campaign effectiveness on SMI series of actions need to be done. It covers how to work on social influence when the expectation is violated through the identification of three main sections, expectation factors of receiver, violation valence enacted by sender, and identifying rewarding aspects of sender. Supporting concepts help to refine the actionable items to shape the effective model that this research looks for."

Kata Kunci: social media influencer, expectancy violations theory, communication campaign management, influencer fatigue


S202591SPS2.CC.014.24Hanya Tersedia SoftcopyAvailable

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