Image of The Use Of The Travoy Application As An E-Commerce Platform By Users And Non Users


The Use Of The Travoy Application As An E-Commerce Platform By Users And Non Users

"This study examines how people use the Travoy application as an
e-commerce platform, focusing on the experiences Travoy users and perceptions of both users and non-users who have not tried it. Using a qualitative approach based on phenomenological cybernetic communication, the research combines well-known models like the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), IDIC Model, and E-Commerce System Success Model to identify key factors that drive user engagement and challenges for using the application. Through in-depth interviews with various participants, the study reveals insights into the app's innovative features, its ease of use, and how well it integrates customer relationship management (CRM) strategies. The findings indicate that technological advancements and the use of big data play a crucial role in shaping user behavior and experiences in the e-commerce space. The research also highlights the importance of understanding digital culture and data-driven customer engagement practices, which are vital for the success of the Travoy application. By identifying the challenges faced by both users and perception non-users about Travoy. The study offers practical suggestions for enhancing user experience through technological development and refining CRM along with marketing strategies. This research provides valuable insights into digital transformation in e-commerce, offering clear guidance for future improvements and innovations on the Travoy platform to meet the evolving needs of users in a rapidly changing digital world."

E-Commerce, Technology, User Experience, TAM, IDIC


S202569SPS2.BCM.004.24Hanya Tersedia Softcopy.Available

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