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The Role of Social Media "X" as a Tool for Delivering Gender Equality Discourse
Social media has become a significant platform for facilitating publicdiscourse on various issues, including gender equality. The constructeddiscourse can contribute to determining the people’s understanding of genderequality concepts. This research aims to explore the role of social media "X"in delivering gender equality focusing on a discussion about paternity leaveinitiated by @timmymalachi on X. The research is conducted using discourseanalysis methodology on texts involved which are the whole thread, selectedcomments, and quotes. The data collected manually consisted of 10connected posts (thread), 5 comments, and 3 quotes towards the thread andanalyzed focused on its segment of language, interpretative repertoire,contextualization, and discursive construction of the text and emerged withthe gender role theory. The result indicated that the audience was skepticalthat paternity leave would be the most efficient choice due to the menthemselves, as they tend to clarify women are the primary caregiversaccording to societal expectation, which is grounded in gender equality thathas not been obtained yet. Evidence from the study indicates that most of theaudience is skeptical about the effectiveness of paternity leave, perceiving itthrough the lens of gender inequality, where society favors men with greateraccess to opportunities and resources, enhancing their social, economic, andpolitical power compared to women.
Social Media, X, Gender Equality, Gender Role, Paternity Leave, Discourse Analysis
S102289SP | S1.PRDC.005.24 | Hanya Tersedia Hardcopy | Available |
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Publisher | LSPR : Jakarta., 2024 |
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