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The Effectiveness of Experiential Marketing Event "HermèsFit Indonesia 2023" on Purchase Intention of Hermès Products
In recent years, consumption of luxury fashion brands has increased over the years. Consuming and purchasing luxury fashion brands can give a sense of pride, exclusivity and prestige to those who wear them Chada & Husband 2006). Hermès is a French luxury goods manufacturer since 1837. When viewed in terms of exclusivity the brand is consistently ranked as the most valuable luxury brand in the world in various assessments and ranking studies published by consultants leading (Leonard, 2021). On 15 - 17 September 2023, Hermès held an event called HermèsFit which was held at City Hall Pondok Indah Mall 3. This event was created to introduce its new collection to visitors, on the one hand Hermès also gave visitors experience in using products from their brand. This research aims to measure the level of effectiveness of experiential marketing carried out by the Hermès brand in creating the HermèsFit 2023 event at PIM 3. The theory used in this research is the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). The method used is quantitative. The research used a purposive sampling method with a sample size of 96 respondents whose criteria were JABODETABEK residents who attended the HermèsFit Indonesia 2023 event. This research has an influence between variable X (Experiential Marketing) on variable Y (Purchase Intention) with a regression equation of Y = 1.313 + 0.507 The results of this research show that 2 (two) dimensions of Experiential Marketing, namely Sense and Relate, have an influence on Purchase Intention.
Key Word: Experiential Marketing, Luxury Fashion Brand, Buying Interest
S102205SP | S1.MKT.129.24 | Hanya Tersedia Softcopy | Available |
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Publisher | LSPR : Jakarta., 2024 |
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