Image of Exploration of Neocolonialism using Frank Herbert's Novel


Exploration of Neocolonialism using Frank Herbert's Novel "Dune" in the Exploitation of the Republic of Niger by the French Republic After 1960

Over the last few decades, there has been a broadening framework of literature that explore into the idea of a contemporary crisis, and in this particular instance, a study that focused primarily on how postcolonial literature and history have shaped the narratives of novels. A novel as a medium conveys the author's message about real-world issues. The novel Dune examines power dynamics on multiple levels, mirroring historical and contemporary geopolitical situations where powerful governments or corporations exploit less powerful regions, resulting in economic and political disparities. This study examines the parallels between the neocolonialism theory that highlights political and economic themes in Dune to the historical and contemporary realities of the Republic of Niger using qualitative descriptive research and Mariette Bengtsson's content analysis to gather data from phrases, sentences, statements, dialogues, and journal. This research unpacks the enduring legacy of colonialism in the post-independence period that scrutinizes economic exploitation and political manipulation caused by France in Niger, and drawing stark comparisons to the world of Dune. Furthermore, contributes to the broader discourse on neocolonialism, offering insights into the challenges and opportunities for post-colonial states in the globalized world.

Keywords: neocolonialism, postcolonial, economic, politics, exploitation, dependency, content analysis, Republic of Niger, French Republic, Dune


S102111SPS1.IRC.051.24Hanya Tersedia Softcopy.Available

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