Image of Analisis Isi pada Instagram @Nestle dalam Menyebarkan Creating Shared Value Perusahaan


Analisis Isi pada Instagram @Nestle dalam Menyebarkan Creating Shared Value Perusahaan

The development of the business is increasingly competitive, products with the same category have a small difference. Therefore it is necessary to add a value that can compete in long-term business. Business in the long run must have responsible and equitable development goals. In achieving meaningful economic growth, it can be done by implying CSV. CSV is a policy of operating practices that enhance the competitiveness of a company while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions of the communities in which it operates. Nestlé is a multinational company that produces food and beverages. This company is a pioneer who applies the CSV concept. This research is focused on the contents of Instagram @Nestlé in spreading the company's CSV based on commitment, level of CSV and CSV Measurement. The concept used is Marketing 3.0, Creating Shared Value, Instagram. The method used in this research is content analysis with a positiveistic paradigm. The sampling technique or method for determining the sample in this study uses a probability sampling technique that is aproportionate stratified random sampling and sample classified according to semester periods. The results of this study indicate that Instagram is used to disseminate information about long-term business sustainability in accordance with regulations.
Keywords: Marketing 3.0, Creating Shared Value, Instagram


S200182SPS2.370.096.19LSPR Sudirman ParkAvailable

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