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Pet Dog (Canis Lupus Familiaris) Ownership in Representing Personal Identities: A Phenomenological Studies of Pet Dog Human Relationship

The dog (Canis Lupus Familiaris) always been considered one of the first man domesticated animals since hundreds of years ago. Dog ownership it self has developed to a stage that it needs consideration, in such many factors as a preliminary. This phenomenon of pet dog determination has a deep relation to it’s owner experience and identity. These identities shapes the attitude towards the desicion in pet-dog keeping process, and will mirror further identities afterwards. This research aimed to discover the meaning of pet dog ownership experience in representing personal identity of it’s owner. The meaning of life value in implicating communication and psychological aspects used by owners becoming analysis foundation. This research was held in IIPE 2019, ICE BSD, Tangerang. This research uses Collaizi’s (1978) model as data analysis techniques. Researcher segmenting three stages which are the pre, present and post- ownership. Identity plays a major role in determining pet companion pre-ownership, people with different background in occupation, knowledge, and culture has a slight different preferences. Physical traits and personality traits affects desicion, this traits demands progressively changes along with time and diffusion activities. The present-ownership experience conclude that the greater the time investment, the greater the love and the bond. Once, the bond is built, physical traits becomes not as important anymore. This bond makes the owner regarding their pet dog as a different entity, more than just a pet animal, but a member of their family. This bond creates an anthrophormistic attitude in the pattern of communication established. In the post-ownership stage, pet dog ownership represents the identity. Thus, can be said pet dog ownership creates meaning in which communicates status and personalities to other people.
Keyword: The meaning of experience, antrozoology, phenomenology


S200152SPS2.370.098.19LSPR Sudirman ParkAvailable

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