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Family Communication Patterns in Indonesia-Chinese Woman Entrepreneur

Chinese Woman Entrepreneur,Family Communication Patterns,Acculturation ethnicThe existences of Chinese Indonesian family is a part of community of high diversity while ordinary people tend to treat them as monolithic ethnicities. Some of Indonesian-Chinese family who have been fully acculturated with local cultures and communities butthere are still those who are culturally oriented to Chinese ethnic. Through women values in the family, traditionand thoughts are internalized especially related to the value of respect for parents and life decisionsin Chinese families are more traditionally influenced by parents. In modern Indonesian-Chinese family, woman as daughter and wife are having ability and sameequality to masculine.The socialization and internalization processthrough family communication will refer to woman experience as a child and soon become the role on educating kids. How family communication patterns in Indonesian-Chinese Woman Entrepreneur family?How family communication patterns of acculturation ethnic in Indonesian-Chinese woman entrepreneur? How Indonesian-Chinese woman entrepreneur negotiate the identity of Chinese ethnic? This study used a qualitative research approach with case study method using in-depth interviews of Indonesian-Chinese woman entrepreneur and expert informant. The Indonesian-Chinese entreprenurconsists of woman who born in Indonesia in Chinese ethnic family choose to be an entrepreneur or businesswoman by working many years in a company. The results of this study conclude the analysis acculturation ethnic through FamilyCommunication patterns the Indonesian-Chinese Women entrepreneur from aSocial Cognitive Approach. Based on the results of this study, Indonesian-Chinese woman entrepreneur family having Consensual and Laissez-Faire families, they realised their identity as Chinese ethnic and having acculturation ethnicto leadbusineses bymaintain harmony.
Keywords:Indonesian-Chinese Woman Entrepreneur,Family Communication Patterns, Acculturation ethnic


S200145SPS2.370.037.19LSPR Sudirman ParkAvailable

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