Image of The Impact of @ByeByePlasticBags Instagram Content Exposure on the Awareness in Reducing Plastic Use Among Youth in Denpasar


The Impact of @ByeByePlasticBags Instagram Content Exposure on the Awareness in Reducing Plastic Use Among Youth in Denpasar

In Indonesia, there are more than 91 million people who actively use Instagram. Instagram was mainly created to allow users to communicate, however, it is now also used as a persuasive media to promote various campaigns. One of the organizations that have been actively using Instagram to promote their campaign is Bye Bye Plastic Bags, a Bali-based non- governmental organization that envisions a plastic-free world. This study is aimed to determine if there is an impact between @ByeByePlasticBags content exposure on Instagram and the awareness in reducing plastic use among youths in Denpasar. The theory used in this research is the S-O-R theory where @ByeByePlasticBags Instagram content exposure acts as the stimulus, the youths living in Denpasar and are following @ByeByePlasticBags Instagram account act as the organism, and the impact of one’s awareness in reducing plastic use acts as the response. Researcher uses the quantitative method and simple regression analysis. In obtaining the sample, researcher uses the non-probability sampling with purposive sampling method. Meanwhile, for the data collection techniques, the researcher uses a questionnaire that is spread online to @ByeByePlasticBags followers. The data analysis techniques used in this research involve 8 different tests. The result shows that the respondents are highly exposed to @ByeByePlasticBags Instagram content and that the average score of 3 indicators of awareness is very high. The result shows that @ByeByePlasticBags content exposure contributes 8,1% in increasing the awareness in reducing plastic use among youths in Denpasar.

Keywords: content exposure, social media, awareness, bye bye plastic bags, Instagram, plastic use, Denpasar


S101845SPS1.PR.049.23Hanya Tersedia Softcopy.Available

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