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Marketing Communication Planning On A Creative Media Start Up, "Collective Mess"
With the rapid use of internet and social media in Indonesia, the mediaconsumption behavior especially amongst the youth in the country who have ahigher rate of internet usage, is leaning toward viral content and content that has nosubstance such as clickbait content and pranks. This is a concerning matter sincethis behavior will be cultivated and absorbed into the mindset of people, which willcontribute in shaping the country’s future. Therefore, utilizing six steps in SOSTACmodel created by Smith & Chaffey (2017) that consists of analyzing the situation,determining the objectives, planning the strategy, selecting the tactics, executing theaction plan, and controlling through evaluation, the project with the title “MarketingCommunication Planning on a Creative Media Startup: Collective Mess” aims toprovide more substantial content mainly in raising the topic of stigma and stereotypeon mental health by using social media marketing communication activity plans, inorder to create and built brand awareness, as well as engage with the audience.
Keywords: Marketing Communication, Social Media, Brand Awareness, CustomerEngagement, SOSTAC, YouTube, Instagram
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Publisher | LSPR : Jakarta., 2021 |
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