Image of Pengaruh Keterlibatan Pelanggan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Kasus di Starbucks Supermal Karawaci 2)


Pengaruh Keterlibatan Pelanggan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Kasus di Starbucks Supermal Karawaci 2)

Customer engagement is a state wherethe physical, cognitive, and emotional levels of a customer arise because of its relationship to an organization or company. Customer engagement is described as the psychological process that is connected to the customer loyalty, and customer engagement is pictured as a process that starts with customer satisfaction, which could lead to customer loyalty.Customers now have such great knowledge, power, and influence, so that a company should make their customers as the center of business. Thus, engagement activity towardscustomers is important to build better relationship with them. This study analyzed the influence of customer engagement towards customer loyalty and the case study was conducted at Starbucks Supermal Karawaci 2, using quantitative method by giving questionnaire as a research instrument to 100 Starbucks Supermal Karawaci 2 customers. Moreover, this study used the five dimensions of customer engagement such as enthusiasm, attention, absorption, interaction, and identification to measure the influence towards customer loyaltyand it showed that each dimension affects customer loyalty. Through customer engagement,customers at Starbucks Supermal Karawaci 2 became loyal, their loyalty is most influenced by the enthusiasm dimension and is least affected by the attention dimension.The result of this research is that 57.1% of customer loyalty to Starbucks Supermal Karawaci 2 is influenced by customer engagement, while the remaining 42.9% is influenced by other factors that are not examined in this research
Keywords:Customer Engagement, Customer Loyalty, Starbucks


S100238SPLSPR Sudirman ParkAvailable

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