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Media Convergence and Marketing Communication Analysis: Metro TV Case Study
Practice of ‘media convergence’ has received wide range of attention and to be debated by number of media professionals. Number of television media companies as argued by Newman, Fletcher, Kalogeropoulus and Nielsen (2019) are unlikely to go through the transition unless if they adapt their marketing strategies. The phenomenon is experienced by most of television media globally including Metro TV as the first news television media in Indonesia. The research employed qualitative case study methods. The qualitative study focuses on Metro TV by interviewing two managerial from Metro TV and two expertises to media convergence. The research finding considers that the practice of media convergence concept is no longer effective without adapting to its marketing communication strategy because there is a positive correlation between the two concepts. The extent to which success is achieved throughout the changing media landscape depends on adapting its marketing communication strategy that can be interactively applied across media convergence development process. The marketing communication strategies adaptation has to be shaped in accordance to the conclusions.
Key Words: Television media, media convergence, marketing communication, positioning
S200212SP | S2.370.139.19 | LSPR Sudirman Park | Available |
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Publisher | LSPR : Jakarta., 2019 |
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