Image of Sustainable Business Development through CSR Implementation at PT Heinz ABC Indonesia


Sustainable Business Development through CSR Implementation at PT Heinz ABC Indonesia

This research aimed to knowing sustainable business development through CSR implementation that carried out by PT. Heinz ABC Indonesia (PT.HAI) as a member of Global Kraft Heinz Company. The approach taken is stakeholders consisting of investors, employees, customers and the government.All of these stakeholders explored their perceptions of the implementation of CSR in PT.HAI and the efficiency of communication carried out by PT.HAI to each stakeholder to build legitimacy. Perception from the public in this case is the stakeholders involved with PT.HAI can deepen from each stakeholder. The absolute truth is CSR activity that has been done by shareholders as Global Kraft Heinz company policy and the perception from shareholders who expect long-term benefits in increasing company and products image produced by the company. The customers who use products from PT.HAI, the absolute fact is that customers still use products manufactured by PT.HAI and place several the product as customer choice products. The customer perception directly toward Kraft Heinz Company is not visible because the customer does not know that PT.HAI is part of a global company. The absolute truth received by employees. The opinion raised due to limited activities that can be done due to the Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) program. The absolute truth that happened was the direct involvement of the RW and RT heads around the PT. HAI Company both in terms of the implementation of CSR activities and the provision of recommendations for processing industrial waste in waterways adjacent to residents. Other parameters that influence the legitimacy of PT.HAI is efficiency communication to all stakeholders
Keywords: CSR Implementations, Stakeholders, Legitimacy


S200115SPS2.370.073.19LSPR Sudirman ParkAvailable

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