Image of The Perspective of Women's Role & Gender Equality Issue in Engineering Based Company  (A Study In Mhe-Demag Group in Indonesia, Malaysia And Singapore)


The Perspective of Women's Role & Gender Equality Issue in Engineering Based Company (A Study In Mhe-Demag Group in Indonesia, Malaysia And Singapore)

The discussion of women‘s role and the issue of gender equality have started years ago, the fact that both factors are still become the focus of discussions all over the world reflect the urgency of this topic. In South East Asia, the region where most of the countries culture is patriarchal culture, the terms of gender equality and the objectivity of women‘s role are more questionable. Narrowing down the scale of discussion, this research will focus on the three countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. Despite the data where most of females were in the engineering study during their degree, there are gap between the number of graduates in engineering and the real engineers itself. This research uses the qualitative methodology with critical tradition, whereby the objectives are to: 1). Identify on how company management perceives female participation in the engineering position, 2). Study the background factors on why the number of female engineers is very low compared to the men engineers at these three countries, 3). Identify whether different country cultures have an effect in shaping the corporate culture. The study revealed that the resistance of having woman engineers are still exist in the country like Indonesia and Malaysia where the hiring managers still skeptical of the women capability in a masculine works. However once they are inside of the organization, the women tend to have a good performance.


S200021SPS2.370.011.2018LSPR Sudirman ParkAvailable

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